Hailstorms can cause significant damage to crops, which can result in significant losses. Hailstones can pelt crops, causing physical damage to leaves, stems, and fruit, leading to reduced yields or even total crop loss. To mitigate this risk, many have turned to hail netting, which involves covering crops with specialized nets designed to protect against hailstones. Cordall has designed a hail net clip to provide flexibility and dependability when installing Hail Netting.
In this case study, we will examine the benefits of hail netting and how it has helped one farmer protect his crops.
The Horticentre Group, formerly Veg Gro Supplies Limited, was set up by the Auckland Vegetable Growers Society in 1981. Growers in the region at that time, initially began bulk buying chloropicrin, which was soon followed by technical fertilisers, in order to maintain profitability for themselves as growers. From this very basic enterprise grew Veg-Gro Supplies Limited, set up for growers, run by growers and formed to ensure growers obtained a fair deal when purchasing their horticultural supply requirements.
Horticentre came to Cordall as an existing customer purchasing solid core bungee to chat through a clip that would work with solid core bungee and provide value and flexibility when installing hail netting.
The netting is installed on poles placed throughout the orchard, providing a canopy-like cover over the crops. The hail netting is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is designed to withstand hailstones of up to 2 inches in diameter. Between the rows we install the hail net clips and bungee which allows the netting to release the hail mid row and eliminate weight on the netting
Hail netting is an effective solution for protecting crops from hail damage. It provides a physical barrier that can withstand hailstones of significant size, while also providing other benefits such as shade and bird protection. While the initial investment can be significant, the ROI in terms of reduced crop loss and increased yields can be substantial.
Fast-forward a few years from the initial development and Cordall’s Net Clips are now used across a wide range of netting including Hail Net, Wind-break, bird netting, plastic mulch layer, light tarps and covers.
Cordall Net Clips allow for quick and easy tensioning

Quick and easy clip attachment to a range of netting